Sexual Prime...What's up with that?

Just don't get caught with your pants down!

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Location: Kansas

I spent the first portion of my life growing up in the same place and just when I was matured and settled, a big gust of wind set me on a course to new unpredictable adventures. I have no idea what my path will be and how many things I will run into, but the ride is sure fun!

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

My Artsy Side II

If you read my first poem on February 13th, you will know where I am going with this. Your job is to figure out who I am talking about. I hope I didn't make it too easy this time. Good luck!

You have been there my whole life.
Always waiting, so soft, so tender
You have become a necessity in my life.
When you are gone I am a mess.
You give and give without taking.
Even though we have never spoken
You are always there for me.
You will be in my life forever.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

umm my guess is it's your period :)
Good poem writing anyway

Wed Mar 15, 09:11:00 AM CST  
Blogger Tumbleweed said...

db: yuk, no!

anna: I said soft lady! But I would love to have one anyway!

Wed Mar 15, 10:37:00 AM CST  
Blogger Sonya said...

Miss creative, aren't you?

Wed Mar 15, 11:14:00 AM CST  
Blogger Admin said...

Clearly you're just talking about me

Wed Mar 15, 11:39:00 AM CST  
Blogger AWE said...

It's got to be a dairy product.

Wed Mar 15, 02:13:00 PM CST  
Blogger Tumbleweed said...

Sonya: I try!

Admin: I don't think you really mean that.

Awe: Ummm, not quite.

Scum: You are so nasty! In a round about way you're close. That's the only hint. he he

Wed Mar 15, 04:01:00 PM CST  
Blogger Spinning Girl said...

Hm, toilet paper? Or soap.

Wed Mar 15, 08:56:00 PM CST  
Blogger pkeclub said...

i thought for a minute you were talking about me.

Thu Mar 16, 01:51:00 AM CST  
Blogger Tumbleweed said...

Kid: You are right about that, but not this time.

Spinning: You got it baby! It's toilet paper!!

Larry: There was nothing about sex in that poem.

Thu Mar 16, 10:04:00 AM CST  

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