Sexual Prime...What's up with that?
Just don't get caught with your pants down!
About Me
- Name: Tumbleweed
- Location: Kansas
I spent the first portion of my life growing up in the same place and just when I was matured and settled, a big gust of wind set me on a course to new unpredictable adventures. I have no idea what my path will be and how many things I will run into, but the ride is sure fun!
nice hnt've been tagged!
Slutbag: Thanks, I'm coming to see you!
P-man: Back at ya babe!
Complete bullarky. I feel cheated, so cheated. I come here for a cheap thrill and other stuff. You're tall right? Good. You have a great name by the way.
Nice eyes Tumble! Happy HNT!
Egan: I will try not to let you down next week! So sorry. Thanks for the name compliment, I really like Egan too! I think I will name my next dog Egan. :)
Hi LeeAnn, always love when you stop by!
you're white?
windows to the soul? it must be one hell of a soulful place you have hiding behind those eyes - very nice blue
Beautiful Eyes!
I'm imagining what you look like by mentally piecing together the photos you have posted... RUFF!
BY the way, I just noticed your jiggs swag blog comment. When I get that shit together more, I will come back and give you more info. But the short story is that people can put up ideas on cafepress, and then we can set up a central place for people to look at the designs.
Make sure the dog is a female poodle.
dude, if you support van, we're though.
and if'n ya need to ask why, i'll be back wednesday. kansas in da house yo!
what are you talking about , i love sexy eyes. it is the second thing i notice
scumbag, I just use photoshop to make it look like I am white.
Andy, that's deep, thanks!
Mike and your other brother Mike, Thanks!!
Jiggs, I thought piecing me together would be more fun than the real thing, just wait til I get to the private parts. BTW, it is the real deal here. My alter ego that only you know about uses fake parts.
Egan: poodles..yuk. Yipee fuckers! Is that how you want to be known.
Scumbag: You are making me choose between you and Van? so unfair, you know I am totally down with you! KANSAS RULES! The Wheat State rocks, sunflowers for all!!
Todd: So poetic, thanks!
Larry: Second, you mean after their jugs?
Bill: Fine, nipple shot next Thursday(unless I chicken out), but that's as pornographic as it gets!
Calzone, I could try, but it will be pretty creepy since I would have to look in a mirror. Am I allowed to use finger paint?
I agree, nice eyes. You don't have to wait until next week to show more skin, we won't tell.
Creepy turns me on
I like secrets!
deep - yep!! one of the ways i like to get . . .
Ive been busy too.... but not to busy to wonder what that mouth would look like wrapped around me...
awe:I heard you were a big gossip and you would tell.
Calzone, you turn me on!
Jiggs, thanks, I have a vivid imagination don't you think??
Andy: Clean up that mouth!
Bill: I was "tied up" this weekend, but now I am free, I will be right over!
Van, so glad you could make me a priority!
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