Toy Box III....and other stuff
It's that time again...HNT. Today I am posting a picture that you will NEVER see again and it won't be up for long. I promised DB a no panties shot....she better come through with hers!
I am not sure if you can see it or not, but this is a picture of a nasty looking bruise...I think I was supposed to use my mitt!
Here is a picture of the beautiful flowers my friend Lisa sent me from North Carolina for my Birthday. Garsh, ain't she just the sweetest?
I know these pics are totally unrelated, but I figure the last 2 can take your mind off the first one! HAPPY HNT!!!
right click save. that's going up at the lounge. hahahahaha!!!!!
you ass, keep it away from the lounge!!
green: Thanks! Nope, no looks worse than it really is. I didn't even know I had gotten hit until after the game.
YEAH!!!! Fabulous girl!!! Very very sexy, Is that a rabbit I see ;)
There were other pictures there ??? I'm gonna have to go back for a second look :)
Wow! Now I will have to sit here uncomfortably at the desk.
db: funny! Thanks.
shs: I guess that's always a possibility....if we get bored.
sal:*hands tissue* Thanks!
awe: Exactly how much room is under that desk? *wink*
I'm hungry for an "M" treat!
here's my $100, i'm out of the contest!
better be careful people, tumbleweed will get you too!
Woot to going commando! That is a sexy pic and bruise!
Wow! I am so not that brave, I am impressed you did it!
Sorry, the other pics didn't take my mind off the first one!
Happy HNT!
WOW great...ummm errr bruise there...;)
Happy HNT
Goof, I'm in South Carolina.
KC: you are so naughty!
sal: Okay, I have lots of know, with pet accidents and all.
jams: Sweet, now I can buy that "special toy" I have had my eye on.
andi: I knew that bruise would turn you on! ;)
LeeAnn: I didn't think I was that brave either....but hey, it's not like I see you guys on a regular basis.
rangers: yea, did you see the flowers too?
Lisa: Why the hell do you alwways call it the NC?? I think you are confused!
Lisa: Is their really a difference? You're not it doesn't matter!
anna: seriously.....that's a great compliment!!
im with scumbag on this - saved for posterity
there is no way those two pictures could even start to take my mind off the first - but a word of caution, you should always have a spotter when you play with "the rabbit" - the spotter should be able to prevent serious bruising when you pass out from its effects
i believe that device is a buzzmaster 5000. one of the best in the industry. i believe that one is diesel powered..
OMG! Oh, I have the same toy too. It is wonderful!
I like fudge-ina
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