Damn Dog!!
This is a bitching post today! Photo 1 is a picture of the culprit and photo 2 is a picture of the evidence. The incident happened yesterday afternoon while I was out. The defendant (Sabrina) opened a Christmas package that was not hers. She even had to do some climbing for it, tear off the paper and open a box to get to it. Photo 2 is a picture of the remains of a box of gourmet truffles and the wrappers off of 2 Godiva chocolate bars. These things were going to be part of a gift for my mother. I purchased said items in a store 2 hours from me. This kind of chocolate cannot be found in my rinky-dink town. Needless to say I was pissed. I hope the little bitch has a stomach ache for a while! Anyway, thank you all for listening to my useless complaining and may you have a Merry Christmas! I will be back after the weekend.
grrr against the puppy.
hope you don't get caught cleaning up dog barf.
I'm with B. McWhorepants. This is what you get for owning things that breath that aren't human.
I thought all your posts were about dildos
whoa whoa whoa
"that's what you get" is my saying!
oh and let me add
"BAD DOGGIE! Doggies aren't supposed to have chocolates! Chocolates are not for doggies!"
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