Sexual Prime...What's up with that?

Just don't get caught with your pants down!

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Location: Kansas

I spent the first portion of my life growing up in the same place and just when I was matured and settled, a big gust of wind set me on a course to new unpredictable adventures. I have no idea what my path will be and how many things I will run into, but the ride is sure fun!

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Big hair and bad hair days.

As you probably already know, I am making a trip to Kansas City this weekend and of course I woke up with the dreaded “first impression pimple”. It is in the standard location, close to my mouth where everyone will notice. Now guys, I am going to educate you a little bit here. This is the kind of thing that happens to a lot of women. Whether it be a big date, a public speech, a photo shoot or a class reunion, something always goes a little wrong. For instance: we start our period and we are moody and bloated, our hair will not do a thing and it is also humid and windy outside, we get a lovely pimple or even a cold sore in the most inconvenient place. So fellas, give a girl a break. The next time you go out on a blind date and the girl has a big zit, she’s a little weepy and her hair looks like shit, just give her the benefit of the doubt and go out again the next week. She may be a whole new person. Thank you!

Now, onto the pictures. I told my friend Lisa I would post a couple “not so cute” pictures of me and I am going to start with my big hair college days. These are 2 pictures of me with my roommates(I am so cool in my hat, he he). Of course we were drunk….hence the corny expressions. I have found even worse ones, so be prepared. Laugh away!!


Blogger mgc said...

i hate it when it's humid!

Wed Jun 21, 01:37:00 PM CDT  
Blogger Lisa said...

Perfect! That picture of you with the big hair is completly how I remember you! How fun. I'll try to find some bad ones of me too.

Wed Jun 21, 01:44:00 PM CDT  
Blogger jamwall said...

are you kidding? you're especially cute when you're totally blitzed out of your gord!

Wed Jun 21, 02:12:00 PM CDT  
Blogger Tumbleweed said...

mgc: I am so with you on that!

Lisa: yea, my hair is kinda the opposite ass is just big. he he

Sal: Come and get it babe!

Jamwall: Such a sweet talker, we're gonna get along great!

Wed Jun 21, 02:38:00 PM CDT  
Blogger Crabby said...

Close to your mouth is better than on your nose. That's where I got mine on prom day. (shiver)

I like that hat. I like it a lot. Btw, you look kinda like that showgirls gal in the second pic. LOL!

Does this mean I have post bad old pics too? Have your pepto ready.

PS. guys, never ever ever, let Tumble babysit your ducks.

Wed Jun 21, 04:36:00 PM CDT  
Blogger Tumbleweed said...

lol, I am the greatest duck babysitter ever! We have gators in our zoo now and they would all get along nicely.
Yes, old pics are it!!

Wed Jun 21, 04:56:00 PM CDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am sooo lovin that big hair, I think I had the same do! kinda scarey!!

I hear ya about the pimple thing for me it's always a cold sore wouldn't ya know three days before D's graduation ceremony I got a big fat one!!! beautiful... that's how I deal with stress :(

have a good one! ~B

Wed Jun 21, 06:43:00 PM CDT  
Blogger Crabby said...

Tumble, before you advertise your duck sitting abilities you better go visit the cowpie field. You are front and center. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ha ha ha!

Wed Jun 21, 07:48:00 PM CDT  
Blogger Lisa said...

she does look like the girl from Show Girls! minus the lipliner and gloss. LOL, how funny!
Weed - I just found my prom pictures.
Watch out!
I'm not scared.
I'm posting one every Monday to make us laugh. LOL
God they are awful

Wed Jun 21, 09:56:00 PM CDT  
Blogger Unknown said...

college in the 80's must have been wild...

Wed Jun 21, 10:04:00 PM CDT  
Blogger Lee Ann said...

Those are great! I love them.

Wed Jun 21, 11:11:00 PM CDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the zit thing. Too funny and soo true!
Great pics!

Wed Jun 21, 11:39:00 PM CDT  
Blogger sxuly yrs said...

LOVE the big hair!! I had that same hair-do back in the day!!!

You will look beautiful in worries!


Thu Jun 22, 12:15:00 AM CDT  
Blogger sxuly yrs said...

Um, yeah I'll come to Kansas..then we can take some pics of us with alcohol and big hair..Sug has to come too!


Thu Jun 22, 12:18:00 AM CDT  
Blogger jiggs said...

I get the first impression zit too. Does that mean that I'm a woman?

Thu Jun 22, 04:01:00 AM CDT  
Blogger The Lone Rangers said...

We should have everyone do a high school yearbook picture post...but my yearbook was destryed in a flood...umm yeah a flood..too bad..

So was the Bon Jovi concert before or after the pics were taken ;)

Thu Jun 22, 06:17:00 AM CDT  
Blogger Everything Nice said...

OMG! My bloating and mood swings totally subscided the moment I saw those pictures!! :)

LOVE that hat Weed!

Thu Jun 22, 09:32:00 AM CDT  
Blogger Tumbleweed said...

db: me+stress/excitement=breakout!

crabby: I'll be right over

Lisa: That is so sweet! I think that girl is hot. Wasn't she Jessie on "Saved by the Bell"? Can't wait for prom!

micheal: Hey, college was in the 90's....I just kept the hair!(80's reject)

LeeAnn: Thanks!

anon: so, so true...and sad.

Andi: Your so sweet! I can get the big hair if I use enough Aussie....yes, bring Sug and GE!!

Jiggs: Uh...yes!

Ranger: I'm not that old! Bon Jovi was my Junior High concert.

Thu Jun 22, 09:37:00 AM CDT  
Blogger Green Eyes said...

Love that hat too! I think you're being aged a bit! Jr High Bon Jovi, Woo Hoo! Still love him!

Did I hear a trip to KS being discussed. I was there once, ahem, once. Sounds good, count me in!

Thu Jun 22, 10:28:00 AM CDT  

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