Sexual Prime...What's up with that?

Just don't get caught with your pants down!

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Location: Kansas

I spent the first portion of my life growing up in the same place and just when I was matured and settled, a big gust of wind set me on a course to new unpredictable adventures. I have no idea what my path will be and how many things I will run into, but the ride is sure fun!

Monday, February 13, 2006

My Artsy Side

I decided to try my hand at peotry(stop laughing!). Here's the trick, who am I talking about?

I open my eyes,
You lay there beside me,
So lifeless, please wake up.
I need you,
I can't live without you.
The alarm sounds,
You are close,
Turn it off!
I reach over you,
Still you sleep.


Blogger gumushel said...

It's cold here, so I'd guess a tuque

Mon Feb 13, 04:52:00 PM CST  
Blogger Calzone said...

thats totally me baby, dont make me get that restraining order.

Mon Feb 13, 05:38:00 PM CST  
Blogger SignGurl said...

Your child? I dunno, but it's an awesome poem!

Mon Feb 13, 08:54:00 PM CST  
Blogger The Blogger Formally Known As Van! said...

Look...if you would have wrapped your lips around my shaft..I would have woken....

um, and I am not that full of myself!

Mon Feb 13, 09:57:00 PM CST  
Blogger jiggs said...

Is it Brad Pitt?

Tue Feb 14, 01:57:00 AM CST  
Blogger Tumbleweed said...

You guys were all so close(not really)! Thanks for trying...I think I will do this again!

Tue Feb 14, 08:52:00 AM CST  

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