Sexual Prime...What's up with that?

Just don't get caught with your pants down!

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Location: Kansas

I spent the first portion of my life growing up in the same place and just when I was matured and settled, a big gust of wind set me on a course to new unpredictable adventures. I have no idea what my path will be and how many things I will run into, but the ride is sure fun!

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

What do you want to know?

I am stealing an idea from my friend Todd. He has many more readers than I do, but it was fun to read the questions and comments he got. If my 5 readers and their 20 other personalities don't stop by today, I will try it again another day. So, here's the can ask me questions about myself or whatever (I am great at giving advice) and I will answer them honestly unless they become way to uncomfortable....then I will probably make shit up. Anyway, it could be interesting. Happy Hump day!!


Blogger Scumbag said...

where do babies come from?

Wed Apr 12, 10:37:00 AM CDT  
Blogger Tumbleweed said...

The stork....that was an easy one!

Wed Apr 12, 11:03:00 AM CDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok I'm dying to know is that you in the picture that shows up in your comments thing? I love that picture. Its very sexy but also makes you look like you are thinking about something.

PS. I'm thinking of a harder question too... be back later

Wed Apr 12, 01:06:00 PM CDT  
Blogger Tumbleweed said...

grand wiz: Put oxyclean in a bottle and add hot water and then soak the area and let it sit for a few minutes, then wash. If it does not work, use a clorox bleach pen! If the sheets are completely bloody, buy red dye.

db: Yes that is the real me and I am thinking about whether it is a really stupid idea or not. Just like I always am when I post. :)

Wed Apr 12, 01:26:00 PM CDT  
Blogger Sonya said...

My friend Em is doing this too. I love the idea. Okay, here is my question. What is your story? Single? Have you ever been married? Kids, how many and how old? Pets? State? Occupation? Etc.

Wed Apr 12, 01:50:00 PM CDT  
Blogger Tumbleweed said...

Wow, that's is so sweet that you 2 asked personal questions. I guess here is my bio....
I was married for 8 years to a self-centered, sexist, ass with many issues stemming from his fucked up childhood. We just could not get along and I got tired of being controlled, so I finally got divorced. It was only final about 6 months ago. He lives an hour from me and we get along pretty damn good now.

I have 2 wonderful daughters that are 11 and 7.

I have the coolest dog ever and one cat(not by choice).

I live in Kansas(stop laughing), not even the good part like Anna...I live in the middle.

I am a Graphic Designer.

I would have to say my favorite position is one in which I can see what he is doing with his mouth down below...or doggie style....or..damn, now I'm horny!

Wed Apr 12, 02:19:00 PM CDT  
Blogger Sonya said...

Tumble - sounds like you were married to my ex husband. LMAO!

Postions? That was a good question. LOL!

Wed Apr 12, 02:24:00 PM CDT  
Blogger Tumbleweed said...

Holy shit...I forgot to use the 1 question rule...I'm an idiot!
Here we go:
no, what is a gag reflex? Ain't happenin here!

Everything is totally real...for now anyway.

The white guy.

Garth got it a long time ago....where have you been? Sha-wing.

Hell, what's love?

Eminem? He's a dumbass...duh.

I think Calzone has been reincarnated, just look around closely.

No, Baster will never be able to afford it, maybe we should start a fundraiser for him.

Let's Get Physical...for sure!

Yes, you are a real(horny) boy

They won't get to Boston....have you ever tried humping on a train while it is moving? It's a bitch to keep your balance!

I sure hope I saved the best for last, because if I have had the best I'm gonna get, I totally got jipped!

You are an artist baby and we are always in constant emotional turmoil....either that or you need to get fucked to death!

Wed Apr 12, 03:37:00 PM CDT  
Blogger jiggs said...

I heard that the stork flies into the window and has sex with the mother. Then the mother gives birth nine months later.

Wed Apr 12, 07:23:00 PM CDT  
Blogger mgc said...

would you ever marry again or just hang out?

Wed Apr 12, 07:24:00 PM CDT  
Blogger Tumbleweed said...

hey Jiggs, that's really close to what I heard too! What's weird about that is the fact that my window was closed both times. Is he magic like Santa? What's sex?

mgc: Yes, I think I would marry again. I am a very monogamous person and I know what to look for in the right man! :)

Sal: I am not the whole package that is for sure, but I can kiss damn it and it will be hot. Everyone is good at something. Have you noticed the lips?

Wed Apr 12, 11:04:00 PM CDT  
Blogger mgc said...

how tall are you?

and yes the comment picture is damn hot! nice tease.

Thu Apr 13, 01:22:00 AM CDT  
Blogger pkeclub said...

would you move to indiana if the right person came along?

Thu Apr 13, 03:14:00 AM CDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Which is more sense-i-tive, your neck or your ears?

Thu Apr 13, 07:53:00 AM CDT  
Blogger Tumbleweed said...

sal: cool, making someone faint would be awesome...I have only achieved woozie so far.

mgc: I am 5'10"....definitely not a dainty thing! and Thanks!

farmboy: If I met the right person, I just might move anywhere...but I am not easy.

KC: Probably my neck...then to my ears, then my lips, then back to my neck on your way down.

Thu Apr 13, 08:22:00 AM CDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"KC: Probably my neck...then to my ears, then my lips, then back to my neck on your way down."

On my way down, circles with my tongue or gentle pulling and massaging with my lips?

Fri Apr 14, 01:18:00 AM CDT  
Blogger Tumbleweed said...

KC: You're naughty!

Fri Apr 14, 10:17:00 AM CDT  
Blogger Tumbleweed said...

oh, to answer that....all of it!

Fri Apr 14, 10:18:00 AM CDT  

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