Sexual Prime...What's up with that?

Just don't get caught with your pants down!

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Location: Kansas

I spent the first portion of my life growing up in the same place and just when I was matured and settled, a big gust of wind set me on a course to new unpredictable adventures. I have no idea what my path will be and how many things I will run into, but the ride is sure fun!

Wednesday, June 28, 2006


I was anxious to see my photos from the weekend, so I went to the store yesterday and dropped the camera off and ordered doubles and a CD. I went to get them as soon as possible and when I started looking at them, there were pictures like the one I posted. Son of a bitch! I grabbed the extra camera I gave to my 7 year old for her to use at the zoo and the ball park. I can't believe I got doubles of that shit now! I am really wondering when this week is going to end. ugh! I guess I will have to do a Friday party post since tomorrow is HNT and I have 4 hours of activities tonight....sorry. Beer me!! (could have said shoot me)


Blogger Tumbleweed said...

That's sweet! The one to the left isn't mine....thank goodness. I love how my daughter takes pictures with her gum hanging her mom!

Wed Jun 28, 08:56:00 AM CDT  
Blogger Everything Nice said...

You're BEERED! Omg look at the cuties! You should be proud... I thought for certain there'd be some wayward crotch shot up here.

Friday might be better for that since Its gonna take me AT LEAST two days to recover.


Wed Jun 28, 09:54:00 AM CDT  
Blogger Crabby said...


pssst. Tumble, you're front and center at the Cowpie field.

snicker snicker snicker.

Wed Jun 28, 10:56:00 AM CDT  
Blogger Green Eyes said...

So, Friday can't come quick enough, eh? I know the feeling! Your daughter is beautiful!

Wed Jun 28, 12:14:00 PM CDT  
Blogger Lee Ann said...

Here is beer to you.
Love that cute.

Wed Jun 28, 12:39:00 PM CDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL still hung over????

Those are really cute pics though :)


Wed Jun 28, 12:51:00 PM CDT  
Blogger Tumbleweed said...

EN: wayward crotch shot....I have no idea what you are talking about! ;)

buddman: Of course!!

anna: Thanks!

crabby: You crack me up!!

GE: Yes, this week has been rough and Thanks.

LeeAnn: I'll split it with you...but you get the backwash half. I think she is an aspiring photographer.

db: No hang-overs....I'm a pro. Trick is to stay up until it wears off!

pyro: You are so right. They don't try so hard.

Wed Jun 28, 04:34:00 PM CDT  
Blogger sxuly yrs said...

Throwing you a cold one babe! Cant wait to see the real pics!


Thu Jun 29, 01:04:00 AM CDT  
Blogger jiggs said...

I think you might need a whole keg

Thu Jun 29, 03:19:00 AM CDT  
Blogger The Lone Rangers said...

very cute kids TWeed!

Thu Jun 29, 06:31:00 AM CDT  
Blogger jamwall said...

you are hereby beered.

now take your clothes off...

Thu Jun 29, 08:27:00 AM CDT  

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