Brief update:
Stalker moved out from across the street and checked himself into treatment. Yay!
Kitten died. I let a friend try to help and I think it stressed the little thing out too much. *tear*
I completely cleaned off my back sun porch and threw away all the cat stuff. Not doing it again!! My daughter picked out the paint…..sunbeam yellow. I can’t open my eyes when I go out there without shades on, but the plants should grow well!
I finally called in on my neighbors behind me so that they have to mow their yard. You can’t use weeds as fencing no matter how big of a redneck you are!
I need sex!
I also need a vacation, but can’t afford to drive anywhere with the gas prices. I feel like I am stuck in a rather large jail cell.
Do you have any idea how hard it is to come up with shit to write on here when all I do is get up….go to work….and then go home and run my kids around to sports and activities?
Oh, I could tell you about a character that comes into my workplace often. I bet everyone that reads this has a guy just like him in your town! His name is Kenny and he is the most repulsive man you could ever meet. He comes in here to see the attorney. His hair is so greasy it nearly drips onto his already stained, ripped t-shirt. If you look closely you can tell what he has eaten for the last week! Eeww! He is one of those guys that gets in your personal space bubble to talk to you. Luckily, I am behind a rather high counter, but he leans in as close as he can get. His teeth are full of who knows what….but I guess at least he has a tooth. He wears the same nasty jean jacket whether it is winter or summer and he always has a gross story to tell. He does not go away until I tell him to. He came in last week and the attorney was not here, so he told me a joke that I was supposed to try real hard to remember…..did I mention he is a pig and does not think much of women? Anyway, here it is…What does a bobbed wire fence and a mini skirt have in common? They both protect the merchandise, but don’t block the view. *bah-ding* It would have been a little amusing coming from someone who wasn’t such a sick fuck!! I know you want to feel sorry for him, but he has lots of money....he's just lazy and nasty! As soon as he leaves I grab the alcohol pads and the Lysol and get to work.
I hope everyone has a great weekend. I plan to come here on a Monday sometime and tell you all about a great sex full weekend. Shyea…that will happen. I would never bore you with routine sex I have with the ex when I am desperate! lol